Data Analyse Breda

Power BI: Creating Hierarchies On Axis of Visuals

In this blog post we describe how users can create a hierarchy on the x-axis of their graphs. By default, Power BI concatenates the text labels in visuals which is unreadable if you want to include two categories on 1 axis. By changing some simple settings, you are able to split the two categories in a hierarchy, providing end users with better insights!

The red box shows the concatenated labels

In this post we will show you how to create these hierarchies with dates and text attributes. In our dashboard we use a small Excel dataset included below. The embedded dashboard shows the final result with date and text hierarchies.

Our end result:

Creating hierarchies with dates

In Power BI I created an overview with a year and quarter, originating from my date hierarchy. In the yellow area you see the concatenated labels.

If I want to get the quarter and year in a hierarchy, I can do that by turning off one simple setting. Go into the visual settings, go to x-axis, and turn-off the concatenate labels setting.

You will notice that your graph immediately shows a hierarchy instead of a concatenated view.

Creating hierarchies with text fields

Creating a hierarchy with text columns requires 1 additional task. In Power BI desktop we have created a view with a country and continent on the x-axis, and the value on the y-axis. In the current setup it looks like this.

In order to create nested hierarchies with the continent and country name, we need to do two things.

First: Similar to the dates example, go to the settings of the visual, go to x-axis, and turn off the concatenate labels switch. This will in the end make sure that we do not have the labels stuck to each other.

Second: You need to sort the axis according to the nested . Click on the settings (three dots), click on sort axis, and then select continent country.

In your visual you will now see a clear split in the hierarchies in the visual!

Now you have hierarchies!

We are now able to create hierarchies, providing users with better visuals in the reports!

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